“My name is Mae Ellen Grace. My mama bought me this camera when I was 14 years old.”
I’ve had it ever since. I’ve shot a lot of rolls of film, and none of it’s very good. But it, it makes me happy. And that’s all that matters. Today, I’m out here in the field. I saw the fog and I just thought how ethereal and kind of magical it would look out here if I’d take photos of some of these flowers. I’m real excited to see what I come up with.”
“Mama don’t like the way I dress always. I wear my pappy’s old suspenders that I made to fit me better and this is one of his old coats. But it’s just a way that I can keep him with me. You know, it still kinda smells like him. I made it a bit smaller so it’d fit me. It’s just a way to remember him. He was a good man; always liked my photos, always said they was pretty. Mama’s the one that gave me the camera, but pappy’s the one that helped me to keep taking the photos.”